
HIEvPy is a python wrapper around the API interface of the HIEv, a data capture application used by the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at Western Sydney University.

View the Project on GitHub gdevine/hievpy

Search and Download

The search_download function extends the HievPy search function by downloading found records to your local computer. It is structured in a similar manner to the search function with the addition of an optional local path where records will be downloaded to.

import hievpy as hp
hp.search_download(api_token, base_url, search_params, path=None)


  1. api_token: HIEv API token string
  2. base_url: the base url string of the HIEv instance
  3. search_params: Object containing metadata key-value pairs for searching
  4. path: Optional full path of download directory (if path not provided, file will be downloaded to current directory)

As with the search function, it is highly recommended that you supply at least one search query to your search to limit returning the full database in one call


You can download a Jupyter notebook version of this example from the /examples folder on the github project page.

As an example, to search for all records associated with experiment 82 dating back to 2nd January 2018 and download them to a subfolder called Downloads within the current location


import hievpy as hp
from pathlib import Path

Import the credentials file and set the API token

import credentials as c
api_token = c.hiev_api_key

Set the base URL of the HIEv instance being called against

base_url = 'https://hiev.westernsydney.edu.au/'

Set the search filters

search_params = {"experiments": ['82'],
                 "from_date": "2018-01-02"}

Set (or create if necessary) the folder to store the downloaded files

downloads = Path.cwd() / 'Downloads'

Run the search and download the matching files to the specified path

hp.search_download(api_token, base_url, search_params, path=downloads)